Specific error codes to help distinguish Webcaster errors thrown.

Enumeration Members

BroadcastApplyConstraintsFailed: 5006

Failed to apply constraints to a broadcast sender. Please check your broadcast configuration again. See the error message for more information.

BroadcastCreateOfferFailed: 5004

Failed to create a broadcast offer. This can occur when the offer creation fails, the resulting SDP is empty, or the modification of the SDP fails.

BroadcastPCAddTransceiverFailed: 5003

Failed to add transceiver to the peer connection. See the error message for more information.

BroadcastPCAlreadyExists: 5002

Peer connection has already been created. This may happen when trying to call 'startBroadcast' multiple times.

BroadcastPCNotFound: 5001

Peer connection has not been created yet. This may happen when trying to call 'dispose' or 'stopBroadcast' multiple times.

BroadcastSetAnswerFailed: 5005

Failed to set a broadcast answer. This can occur if an answer already exists, the creation of an answer from SDP fails, or setting the remote description fails.

ClientRequestFailed: 11001

Client request failed. This may indicate a failure to reach the server or a response with 4XX HTTP status.

ClientRequestPending: 11004

Client request is still pending. This may occur when trying to send multiple start/stop requests to the server simultaneously.

ClientResourceAlreadyExists: 11002

Client resource already exists. This may occur when a broadcast was not properly cleaned up after the termination of a previous broadcast.

ClientResourceNotFound: 11003

Client resource does not exist. This may occur if 'startBroadcast' has not been called yet.

General: 4000

Unrecognized error that does not fit into other specific categories.

GeneralBroadcastNotStarted: 4002

'startBroadcast' method has not been called yet.

GeneralLoggerSetupFailed: 4004

Failed to set up logger. Logger configuration needs to be re-checked.

GeneralRecoveryFailed: 4003

Recovery failed.

GeneralSetupNotCalled: 4001

'setup' method has not been called yet.

MDevicesKindNotSupported: 6002

Media device kind not supported. See the error message for more information.

MDevicesMethodNotSupported: 6001

A MediaDevices API method is not supported. This occurs when a requested MediaDevices method is not available in the current browser environment.

MDevicesPermissionQueryFailed: 6003

Permission query for media devices failed.

MStreamAlreadyExists: 2001

MediaStream already exists. This may happen when trying to call 'setup' multiple times.

MStreamNotCreated: 2003

Failed to create a MediaStream. See the error message for more information.

MStreamNotFound: 2002

MediaStream has not been set yet. This may happen if 'setup' has not been called yet.

MetricsInitStatsCollectFailed: 8003

Failed to initiate the collection of RTC stats.

MetricsInvalidTrackKind: 8002

Failed to obtain stats as the sender's track kind is incorrect. It must be either "audio" or "video".

MetricsParseUserAgentFailed: 8001

Failed to parse user agent for metrics gathering.

MetricsStopStatsCollectFailed: 8004

Failed to stop the collection of RTC stats.

ServerCreateResourceFailed: 10002

Failed to create a resource on the server.

ServerMalformedResponse: 10001

Malformed response from the server. This may occur when the response from the server is missing expected fields or contains empty SDP.

ServerRequestFailed: 10003

Server request failed. Corresponds to 5XX HTTP status. See the error's metadata and message for more information.

ValidationError: 7000

Failed to validate incoming configuration. This occurs when an object does not pass schema validation. See the error message for the exact location of issues.

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